Local 1701 Calendar


Latest Past Events

Monthly RENEW Committee Meeting

IBEW Local 1701 Union Hall 2911 West Parrish Ave., Owensboro

Greater involvement by local union members of all ages is critical to the growth of the IBEW. RENEW is an IBEW-wide initiative dedicated to creating opportunities for members ages 35 years and younger and helping them develop the skills necessary to become active in the local union and play a role in shaping its future. […]

Monthly Union Meeting

IBEW Local 1701 Union Hall 2911 West Parrish Ave., Owensboro

You're already a Union Wireman and therefore the best in your field. Now we need YOUR involvement in our Local. Your voice and concerns matter and shape our mission and progress as a Local IBEW Union. Join your local brothers and sisters this month in staying up on current projects, issues, concerns, and future plans […]

Continuing Education Class

IBEW Local 1701 Union Hall 2911 West Parrish Ave., Owensboro

Kentucky State Electrical Licensing Law states that a person must attend 6 house of continuing education each year to be eligible to renew your electrical license. We offer this class in-person at the hall every month. Check the calendar for other dates if you prefer another month.


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